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File Type:Opera file
Category:Internet related file
File Description:File extension used by Opera.

Mime: application/vnd.opera.jsobj
Open Programs:

Opera browser

Company / developer:


Opera is a web browser and Internet suite developed by the Opera Software company. Opera handles common Internet-related tasks such as displaying web sites, sending and receiving e-mail messages, managing contacts, IRC online chatting, downloading files via BitTorrent, and reading web feeds. Opera is offered free of charge for personal computers and mobile phones, but for other devices it is not free.

Features of Opera include tabbed browsing, page zooming, mouse gestures, and an integrated download manager. Its security features include built-in phishing and malware protection, strong encryption when browsing secure web sites, and the ability to easily delete private data such as cookies and browsing history by simply clicking a button.

Opera runs on a variety of personal computer operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. Though evaluations of Opera have been largely positive, Opera has captured only a fraction of the worldwide personal computer browser market. It is currently the fourth most widely used web browser for personal computers, behind Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.

Opera has a stronger market share, however, on mobile devices such as mobile phones, smartphones, and personal digital assistants. Editions of Opera are available for devices using the Symbian and Windows Mobile operating systems, as well as Java ME-enabled devices. In fact, approximately 40 million mobile phones have shipped with Opera pre-installed. Furthermore, Opera is the only commercial web browser available for the Nintendo DS and Wii gaming systems. Some television set-top boxes use Opera as well, and Adobe licensed Opera technology for use in the Adobe Creative Suite.

File Type:ATG Dynamo server page (Java HTML)
Category:Internet related file
File Description:JHTML files contain standard HTML tags in addition to proprietary tags that reference Java objects running on a special server setup to handle requests for pages of this sort.

JHTML was a proprietary scripting system that was part of ATG's Dynamo web server. It was essentially a Java-based system for adding new, dynamic tags to HTML. Around 2002 it looks like ATG began shifting their product towards the open standard of JSP rather than JHTML, and .jhtml pages are now deprecated and a little rare. You'll mostly see them sites similar to the ones that run .jsp pages, except that .jhtml-driven sites will be more lightweight. Obviously, if they were more technically adept, they would have upgraded to .jsp by now, or have started with it to begin with.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Mozilla Foundation

Firefox 3

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox 3 sets the pace with dozens of new features, including the smart location bar, one-click bookmarking and blindingly fast performance.

Mozilla Firefox (abbreviated officially as Fx, but also commonly as FF) is a free web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite, managed by the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox had 19.03% of the recorded usage share of web browsers as of June 2008, making it the second-most popular browser in current use worldwide, after Internet Explorer.

Firefox uses the free Gecko layout engine, which implements some current web standards plus a few features which are intended to anticipate likely additions to the standards.

Firefox includes tabbed browsing, a spell checker, incremental find, live bookmarking, a download manager, and an integrated search system that uses the user's desired search engine. Functions can be added through around 2,000 add-ons created by third-party developers,the most popular of which include NoScript (script blocker), Tab Mix Plus (adds many customizable options to tabs), FoxyTunes (controls music players), Adblock Plus (ad blocker), StumbleUpon (website discovery), DownThemAll! (download functions) and Web Developer (web tools).

Firefox runs on various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many other Unix-like operating systems. Its current stable release is version 3.0, released on June 17, 2008.Firefox's source code is free software, released under a tri-license GPL/LGPL/MPL.

File Type:1st Page 2000 JavaScript example file
Category:Internet related file
File Description:File extension is used by 1st Page 2000. JavaScript example file.
Open Programs:

1st Page 2000

Company / developer:

1st Page 2000

From Australia to California to Germany, professional web builders are exploring 1st Page 2000, the world's free web builder to create and manage world-class Web sites. Its power and flexibility lets anyone create the web site they want. Ask any professional web builder and they'll tell you the sad stories behind using standard WYSIWYG editors. Professional web builders know that WYSIWYG editors never create clean html code which means they'll end up wasting more time fixing, cleaning and correcting code later on. With this common problem in mind, you'll be glad to hear that 1st Page never ruins HTML code, infact it doesn't even add unwanted html codes to your important projects.

File Type:uTorrent torrent file
Category:Internet related file
File Description:The same as .torrent . Only in MAC version called torrent.imported.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  BitTorrent, Inc.


µTorrent is the world's most popular BitTorrent client. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.

File Type:Inline HyperText Markup Language
Category:Internet related file
File Description:iHTML is a very powerful server side scripting language for the Internet which allows the creation of customized interactive web sites. iHTML gives you the tools to build dynamic web sites that allow real time interaction between the user and the data being presented. In fact, iHTML was built with technology in mind in bringing the power of the large sites on the Internet to the small developer on a fixed budget. iHTML is built on six technology areas which include our unique Back Page Processing, dynamic graphics, traditional programming, flow control/error handling, web to database access and Internet specific features. Our powerful recursive programming features actually allows source code to change on the fly making it a truly dynamic product!
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Mozilla Foundation

Firefox 3

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox 3 sets the pace with dozens of new features, including the smart location bar, one-click bookmarking and blindingly fast performance.

Mozilla Firefox (abbreviated officially as Fx, but also commonly as FF) is a free web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite, managed by the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox had 19.03% of the recorded usage share of web browsers as of June 2008, making it the second-most popular browser in current use worldwide, after Internet Explorer.

Firefox uses the free Gecko layout engine, which implements some current web standards plus a few features which are intended to anticipate likely additions to the standards.

Firefox includes tabbed browsing, a spell checker, incremental find, live bookmarking, a download manager, and an integrated search system that uses the user's desired search engine. Functions can be added through around 2,000 add-ons created by third-party developers,the most popular of which include NoScript (script blocker), Tab Mix Plus (adds many customizable options to tabs), FoxyTunes (controls music players), Adblock Plus (ad blocker), StumbleUpon (website discovery), DownThemAll! (download functions) and Web Developer (web tools).

Firefox runs on various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many other Unix-like operating systems. Its current stable release is version 3.0, released on June 17, 2008.Firefox's source code is free software, released under a tri-license GPL/LGPL/MPL.

File Type:Lmsoft hypermedia page
Category:Internet related file
File Description:Hyper Page - authoring software.
Open Programs:

Web Creator Pro 4

Company / developer:

Web Creator Pro

With Web Creator Pro, you will be able to create a truly professionnal looking web site on your own. Spectacular VISTA style graphic effects are just one click away: drop shadows, semi transparent areas, banners, frames, titles, buttons... Templates can be color matched to your logo or company colors. No programming required.

File Type:Partial download file
Category:Internet related file
File Description:Partial Go!Zilla download, unfinished download file from internet. Used also by Firefox browser to store partial download file and after download file is renamed into right original file type.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Mozilla Foundation

Firefox 3

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox 3 sets the pace with dozens of new features, including the smart location bar, one-click bookmarking and blindingly fast performance.

Mozilla Firefox (abbreviated officially as Fx, but also commonly as FF) is a free web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite, managed by the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox had 19.03% of the recorded usage share of web browsers as of June 2008, making it the second-most popular browser in current use worldwide, after Internet Explorer.

Firefox uses the free Gecko layout engine, which implements some current web standards plus a few features which are intended to anticipate likely additions to the standards.

Firefox includes tabbed browsing, a spell checker, incremental find, live bookmarking, a download manager, and an integrated search system that uses the user's desired search engine. Functions can be added through around 2,000 add-ons created by third-party developers,the most popular of which include NoScript (script blocker), Tab Mix Plus (adds many customizable options to tabs), FoxyTunes (controls music players), Adblock Plus (ad blocker), StumbleUpon (website discovery), DownThemAll! (download functions) and Web Developer (web tools).

Firefox runs on various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many other Unix-like operating systems. Its current stable release is version 3.0, released on June 17, 2008.Firefox's source code is free software, released under a tri-license GPL/LGPL/MPL.

File Type:PHP script, page
Category:Internet related file
File Description:Formerly referred to as “Personal Home Page Tools,” PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is an open source server side scripting language. It is very popular for developing web based software applications because programmers can use it easily to create web pages with dynamic content that interact with databases.

PHP is currently the most common of the server-side scripting languages. It's an open-source project designed specifically for quick development of dynamic web pages, and can run either as an Apache module, or as a CGI on less friendly web servers. The PHP scripting language is loosely typed and has a gigantic built-in function set, and a syntax somewhere between Perl and C++. PHP 4 (the current version) may not be the best platform for huge code bases because of its lack of exception-handling routines and object-oriented functionality, but it can't be beat for spitting out lightweight projects in 5 minutes. Plus, just about every web host everywhere supports PHP, which means you can switch whenever you find a cheaper plan.

.php pages are interpreted as static HTML pages until the web server hits a <? tag. Then, it begins interpreting the page as a PHP program until it hits a ?> tag. This lets you easily embed small snippets of PHP wherever you need them in a static page, or embed large snippets of static HTML wherever you need them in a PHP script, both of which come in handy.

Because PHP lacks exception-handling routines, and because commercial web-hosts won't let customers change their PHP configuration file, you can see a lot of PHP error messages on PHP pages, automatically formatted to show up in bold text. This is especially true of database-driven sites, which will spit out these messages whenever the database goes down, if they don't have their configuration file set to log them instead of displaying them.

Open Programs:

Adobe ExtendScript

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe ExtendScript

The ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) is a development and debugging tool for JavaScript scripts included with Adobe CS3 Suites and applications such as Bridge, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. ESTK is a new and enhanced version that allows you to create, edit and debug ExtendScript (Adobe's JavaScript language) all with an updated user interface, a new text engine, and the ability to debug more than one script at a time.

File Type:Web page file - Hypertext Markup Language
Category:Internet related file
File Description:Common webpage file type. Generally being used on internet for webpages with static content.

File extension html or . htm (used for DOS-based computers who could not understand extension with more than 3 characters). HyperText Markup Language file format - the basic format of the web documents. HTML documents contain pointers to content in other media, such as images, audio, animation, video or scripts. None of these other media is "inside" an HTML document.

Mime-type: text/html

Open Programs:

Adobe ExtendScript

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe ExtendScript

The ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) is a development and debugging tool for JavaScript scripts included with Adobe CS3 Suites and applications such as Bridge, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. ESTK is a new and enhanced version that allows you to create, edit and debug ExtendScript (Adobe's JavaScript language) all with an updated user interface, a new text engine, and the ability to debug more than one script at a time.

File Type:HyperText Markup Language file - web page
Category:Internet related file
File Description:

Common webpage file type. Generally being used on internet for webpages with static content.

File extension htm (used for DOS-based computers who could not understand extension with more than 3 characters) or file extension html is related to HyperText Markup Language file format - the basic format of the web documents. HTML documents contain pointers to content in other media, such as images, audio, animation, video or scripts. None of these other media is "inside" an HTML document.

Mime-type: text/html

Open Programs:

Adobe Contribute

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Contribute

Simplify web content management

Adobe® Contribute® CS4 software enables users to collaboratively author, review, and publish web content while maintaining site integrity — without learning HTML.

Did you know…

You can edit within your browser

The new full-featured in-browser editor in Contribute CS4 provides a powerful yet familiar interface for editing and publishing web pages within your browser.

Contribute works with Dreamweaver templates

Easily edit advanced layout components using Adobe Dreamweaver® templates, which provide editable regions within a protected design.

Contribute has a complementary publishing server

Contribute Publishing Server simplifies web content management further by enabling administrators to centrally manage access to websites, integrate with enterprise systems, track publishing activities across large numbers of websites and publishers, and more.

Education discounts are available

As a student or educator, you qualify for education pricing. See the full list of products available for purchase.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC